Idaho Department of Fish and Game Headquarters
Boise, ID
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game Headquarters is a three story, 72,000 sqft facility on a 9.7 acre site. The project site and building orientation opens the public area to promote visibility and access to the MK Nature Center while preserving mature heritage trees along Walnut street, creating a sustainable building that respects the surrounding environment and integrated with the character of the neighborhood.
The project reduced the environmental impact and building footprint by limiting construction to 5.1 of the 9.7 acres. Just a few of the many sustainable features unique to this project are the incorporation of wildlife friendly building materials, woodpecker resistant EIFS, bird friendly glazing, and an updated generator to protect fish. The project also salvaged the felled trees during construction to reuse as interior finishes. The project also constructed an improved public transit stop and enhanced the adjacent park and nature center.
2023 BOMA Building Excellence Award
2023 EIFS Architectural Award